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Bottled Water Production Line: 6 Factors of Equipment Quality

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Water is the most consumed product in the whole world; an estimated 4 liters of water is being consumed by everyone on a daily basis. Due to the fact that everyone drinks water, there is a massive responsibility on the manufacturers to assure the quality of water. This quality can be maintained by using state of the art bottled water production line such as those provided by There are many stages that the raw water has to go through before being shipped for human consumption. This article will establish the 6 factors necessary for equipment quality that ensure safe drinking water.

water bottling plant

The first step is to purify water which can be done using hollow fiber ultrafiltration or through the process of reverse osmosis. Subsequently, the water is passed on to the water filling line, which holds plastic bottles that have been manufactured using blow molding. After that, a labeling station is used to print brandings on the bottle, which then goes to the packing line where a seal is placed on the bottle to ensure quality assurance. These bottles, filled with water, are then ready to be shipped to the consumers.

It is possible to buy complete bottled water production lines straight from the manufacturers such as as then these products are maintained by the company which prolongs their life. On the other hand, there are water bottling line for sale in the market from specific vendors who acquire them from their manufacturers and then provide them to different bottled water companies. The equipment comes with a warranty, but if there is a case where one specific machine faces trouble, it is easy to find water bottling equipment for sale.

Equality assurance is an essential part of bottled water business as the same water would be consumed by millions of people on a daily basis. This is the reason it is pertinent to acquire quality equipment so that the producer can meet the standards set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).


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