Professional manufacturer of water & beverage machines

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Contact Us

Contact Datong Machinery

On this page, you will find the contact details (phone number and email) of the heads of each department in case you want to contact a specific department head. If you want an immediate response, we recommend using the contact form below, as you are guaranteed to receive a reply from an expert within an hour (time zone permitting).

The more information you can give on the contact form, the easier it will be to direct your contact to the most relevant person in the most appropriate department. Any data you provide Datong Machinery will be used in the strictest confidence in accordance with our privacy policy.

Contact Form


Contact Details for each Department

Feel free to contact these departments directly if you have a specific question. We cannot guarantee an immediate reply due to the workloads and work schedules of the department heads. If you would like an immediate reply we recommend using the contact form above.

Foreign Sales Department

Contact Person: Lynn Fan
Position: Sales Director
Mob/WhatsApp/WeChat: +8613962288927
Skype: fll389259718

Domestic Sales Department.

Contact Person: Frank Gu
Position: Chief Operating Officer
Mob/Whatsapp/wechat: +8613915699890

After Sales Department

Contact person: Mr.Gu
Mobile: +8613862207580

Technology Department

Contact person: Mr.Huang
Mobile: +8613962215216

Purchasing Department

Contact Person: Ms.Liu
Tel: +86-512-58661388

Switch board

Tel: +86-512-58662088

Coming to China?

If you are in China or planning to visit soon, why not arrange a visit to our factory installations? We are always delighted to welcome customers and potential customers to visit and experience the Datong Machinery Manufacturing and Production process. Please let us know in advance what dates you would like to visit so we can ensure that you are attended in the best way possible.

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Thank you for contacting us. We will reply to you as soon as one of our agents is available

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