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The Operation of Water Bottling Plant

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Operating a water bottling plant is one project which has garnered great popularity in recent time. filling, rinsing and capping process are very crucial processes in the operation of water bottling plant. These processes are performed using a single machine, a multiple machine or combination of the two types of machines. Operating a water bottling plant is a very easy and lucrative business, the need for clean water has made this business to boom greatly.


To start a bottling plant, there are some logistics that need to be put in place. For example, there is need to have the right types of bottle, the right machineries and sufficient space. Operating a water bottling plant requires the right type of bottle; there are several types of bottles depending on the various uses. Before getting your bottle, you need to consider the following:

The type of bottle: There are many different types of bottle in the market, we have glass bottles, plastic bottles, stainless steel bottles etc. To know which one the right quality is, take note of the following; Easy to clean; a good bottle for water bottling plant needs to be very easy to wash since rinsing is the first process. You must also make sure the bottle you pick is durable and strong, such that it can withstand external pressure.

Before you purchase the water bottling machines you need to consider the available space, water bottling machines requires space due to their bulkiness. So, make sure you have sufficient space before setting up your machines.

The major actions carried out by these machines is to rinse, fill and cap the bottles. These machines have several slots for different bottle shapes and size. The bottle can be filled with all sort of fluids such as water or cold beverages, juice and drugs. Below are some machines use for this bottling processes. In this article we will look at the various processes and the machine use.

The first process is the Cleaning of the bottle. This is probably the most important process, it involves the cleaning of the plastic bottles of different shape and sizes. This step is so important for the maintenance of the hygienic status of water bottling plant.

The next stage is the water filling stage which involves filling the bottles with water this is obviously the aim of any water bottling plant. This process is quite easy when using the right filling machine. After the completion of the filling stage, the next stage is very crucial and it is the last stage.

Capping of the bottles: This is the final process performed in a water bottling plant. The bottles are moved up to a capping machine. This machine will then give each of this bottle a cap and seal the water into protected condition. After the completion of the capping process, your bottle water is now ready to be distributed, you may choose to add labels on the bottles before the distribution stage. Operating a water bottling plant is very easy if you know the ins and outs.



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