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The Glass bottle filling machine in the beverage industry

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Overview of the beverage production process

The production process for beverages consists of a series of stages.

The process begins with obtaining water; extracted from its own source, which in most cases are reservoirs. Before introduction into the production process, the water obtained from natural sources goes through purification processes, sand filtering, activated carbon filtering. They are mixed with sugar to obtain the simple syrup; to which preservatives, concentrates, and more are added, and the finished syrup is obtained.

Automatic Orange Juice Hot Filling Machine For Glass Bottle

There is another type of water treatment for washing containers. All of them are geared towards achieving a high level of purity which is required for the finished product.

Then the finished syrup is cooled and mixed with water and CO2 to be bottled. Other parts of the process are: inspection of the bottles, packing and palletizing of the soft drink.

The product has several presentations in two types of containers: glass and plastic

In this process, the drink duly obtained is packaged, according to the pre-established rules. The drink is obtained from the mixture of treated water, carbon dioxide and finished syrup, and it only differs from another product due to the syrup and container used.

During the planning process for beverage production, the owner needs to determine the type of packaging container to be used for the product. Today, there are different types of packaging containers. However, for the liquid and less viscose liquids, the containers vary depending on the choice of the owner and other factors such as the texture and shelf life of the product. In most case, the type of containers for beverages include aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic containers and even papers.

Here, we focus on the glass bottle containers and the filling process.

Let’s get started!

Glass bottling process

At this stage, the input of the glass bottle filling machine is required.


Preparation of the bottles

The bottling machines in a first phase apply a vaporized jet of water to eliminate the possible rest of impurities.

After this, the bottles are turned over and a blow of air is applied to dry them, a blow of inert gas and thus leave them in perfect condition for the next step.


Bottle filling

Once the bottles are cleaned, we go on to the filling process, which will be an amount that makes it possible to have an air chamber that allows the expansion of the cork and the movement of the wine in the bottle. This process is extremely delicate and we cannot allow any foreign body, fungus, bacteria, etc., to enter the bottle as it would be very detrimental to the final quality of the wine once opened.



Once we have the bottles with the liquid in the right amount, we will proceed to close the bottle with the different closures used, although the most used is undoubtedly the cork.

In this process, the machine compresses the cork by the pressure of some clips and a plunger introduces it into the neck of the bottle, causing it to expand once inside and not allow the liquid to escape.

To ensure a quality product, you need a top quality glass bottle filling machine. Contact us today to get a quote.


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