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Introduction of Hot Filling Process

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The hot filling process is a process in which hot filling machine injects liquid into the bottle and then invert it, enabling the heat to sterilize the bottle and the cap. It is important to heat the liquid to 203 degrees Fahrenheit to make sure sterilization. The manufacturers have to use the bottles that do not deform at high temperatures like glass. The treatment of heat lasts within 40 seconds, which is good enough to make sure sterilization.


When the heat cycle is done, the hot filling machine cools down the content up to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. The cooling process lasts up to 4 minutes. After cooling down the content, it is moved to the final bottle, and then the sealing is done on it.

Important Considerations

Several bottles work best for the hot filling process which incorporates cardboard food containers and glass. Some types of plastic are also suitable for the hot filling process. To perform the hot filling process, you need to focus on some important considerations. 

All of these considerations are the following:

Hot Filling Monitoring

Another consideration to the hot filling process is continuous monitoring. It is essential to monitor the process from the beginning to the end. This monitoring must include liquid temperature and bottle temperature. If the temperature becomes too low, then the microbiological agents might develop, which will present a health risk.

The hot filling manufacturing incorporates the recirculation system. This system keeps the making moving with the standby system in position if the liquid or bottle drops below at the pre-set temperature.

Hot Filling Balance

When the heat comes in contact with the surfaces, then it changes it completely. Heat also can change the shade and flavor of the content. Due to this reason, it is essential to have a balance of hot filling. There should be a struck between the length of time and temperature at which the bottle is exposed to heat. When the hot filling completes, then cooling must be provided at once.

Hot Filling Bottle Material

All packaging materials are not suitable for the hot filling process. For instance, the standard PET containers change their shape or even collapse when they come in contact with heat. Some particular bottles that are known “HEAT SET” can handle the high temperatures. Moreover, each hot juice filling machine can tackle specific material. Due to this reason, companies have to make use of suitable material to take out this process correctly.

Hot Filling Bottling Costs

There are many cost considerations when we talk about the hot filling process. The custom heavy containers and bottles are more complex to produce as contrasted to the typical PET containers or others. Due to this reason, they are expensive than others.

Moreover, too much energy is needed for the heating and cooling cycles. This energy will cost too much. It also has an ecological impact as energy and heat are expanded at significant rates.

Final Word

When you look at the above explanation, then it will be easy for you to understand the hot filling process in depth. This process can be done with the assistance of hot juice filling machine or automatic hot filling machine. These machines do not only fill up the containers but seal and package them too. In this way, manufacturers can save money.


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