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How to grasp the heart of juice consumers?

Views: 1515 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: Origin: Site

Currently, the characteristics of global beverage products are divided into four categories: "fun", "maintenance", "convenience" and "health", while fruit juice belongs to "health". According to the results of the survey, the main motivation for consumers to buy juice is to obtain the healthy ingredients, and taste is also an important factor influencing the choice. In contrast, the impact of price factors and convenience factors is not very large.

In general, women pay more attention to the nutritional characteristics of food than men, especially the beauty and health characteristics of pure fruit juice and fruit juice drinks. Young people and low income people are most concerned about the flavor characteristics of the product: with the increase of age and education level, the attention to nutritional health features is also increasing. Given women more opportunities for shopping, after married people consumption ability is stronger, such as how to make these consumers effective understanding of the health properties of related products and their quality difference, the Pearson education market has the vital significance. Related Suggestions to promote the fruit juice consumption data analysis showed that the low level of consumers' nutrition knowledge, health knowledge and greatly promote the understanding and acceptance of juice products. Therefore, wide consumer education is the most important and long-term measure to promote the development of related product market.


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