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How Much Does the Water Treatment System Cost

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When industrial companies look into purchasing a wastewater treatment system for their plant, first and foremost they want to know, “How much does a wastewater treatment system cost?”

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Because wastewater treatment is a highly complex, custom solution, several factors go into choosing the right treatment options. It is crucial to treat your waste properly, as discharging wastewater into the environment or a publicly owned treatment works (POTW) without meeting local regulations can cost you thousands of dollars in fines down the road. So, what might you need for your plant?


Two main questions will help you narrow this down:


What are the wastewater characterizations of the production facility?

What are the regulatory requirements for discharge from the plant?

Let’s look at what a typical wastewater treatment system might include and break down the main factors, considering how they fluctuate cost:


What’s included in a basic wastewatertreatment system?

An oil/water separator or dissolved air flotation device to remove small amounts of oils.

A series of reactors and chemical additions to adjust the pH and precipitate out metals from the solution.

A clarifier to settle suspended solids that are present as a result of treatment.

Some sort of filtration to remove all the leftover trace amounts of suspended solids (again, the level of filtration needed will depend on the degree of suspended solids removal required to pass local discharge regulations).

And, contingent upon the level of automated operation needed, a control panel of sorts.

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The main factors of wastewater treatment system cost

What is the quality (levels of contaminants) of the plant’s effluent and what are the local maximum and average monthly discharge limits to the environment or POTW?

What amount of water do you need to process per day and how fast? (This is your required peak gallons per minute, or GPM.)

If you can answer these questions, it will help you narrow down what your needs might be and provide a better sense of the budget you might be looking at.


When it comes to treating your wastewater, even though the treatment option and costs can be complex.

Datong has over 20 years’ experience custom-designing and manufacturing these types of systems, so please feel free to reach out to us with your questions. For more information or to get in touch, contact us here to set up a consultation with an engineer or request a quote. We can walk you through the steps for developing the proper solution and realistic cost for your wastewater treatment system needs.



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