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How Does a 5-10L Water Filling Machine Operate?

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Are you planning to venture into the 5-10l plastic bottle water production industry? Or perhaps you already have one but having challenges getting the right machine for the production process. If Yes, then you should take time to learn about a 5-10L water filling machine.

The 5-10l water filling machine is an automated filling machine designed for the washing, filling, and capping of 3-10L plastic PET bottles for pure water, mineral water, and other kinds of drink production.

In this article, I will walk you through the operational principle of 5-10l water filling machines. Enjoy a lovely read!

 5-10L water filling machine

Basic Operations of a 5-10L water filling machine

The 5-10l water filling and packaging process is a complex but direct process in bottled water production that helps to ensure that the high standards of hygiene and safety requirements of water production are achieved.

The 5-10l water filling machine operates based on three main operational working principles These operations are washing or cleaning, filling and capping, or sealing operations.

Let’s look at each of these operations that ensure the working flow of the 5-10l water filling machine!

Washing operation

The washing operation which involves cleaning empty plastic bottles is the most important step in the filling of bottled water. This is because only proper washing and cleaning of the bottles will ensure the safety and hygiene of the bottled water.

The 5-10l pet bottles are placed on the conveyor rail of the water filling machine where they are taken to the washing unit of the machine. The inside and outside of the plastic bottles are washed with distilled water, after which they are dried.

Therefore, choosing the best water filling machine manufacturers for the supply of your 5-10L water filling machine is important especially when it comes to the washing operation.

Filling operation

The bottle filling operation of the water filling machine is without any doubt, the goal of the water production process.

Properly cleaned bottles from the washing unit of the machine then come to the filling unit through the conveyor. In the filling unit of the water filling machine, the bottles are filled with pure water or mineral water according to the already inputted volume of filling of the machine.

Capping operation

The capping operation is the final step of bottling water production. This step involves putting a cap on each of the filled bottles in a well-protected manner. After putting the cap, sealing of the water is done which is important for safety and hygiene.

 5-10l water filling machine

Are you in need of a high-quality 5-10l water filling machine?

If you are ready to meet your bottled water production requirement and you are considering buying a 5-10L water filling machine.  

It will be best for you to get the machine from a reliable and reputable manufacturer that deals with 5-10l water filling machine manufacture and supply to guide and lead you aright. We are here for you.

 Kindly contact us today to purchase a high-quality 5-10l water filling machine.


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